The real estate market has tilted towards buyers who are now calling the shots. Buyers have plenty of choices and unless you can dress up your home appropriately you are likely to have a tough time in finding buyers who show interest in your property. Make the property attractive and not the building alone. The value of your home will be determined by the overall good looks of the property together with the building. By sprucing up the entire property you are much better placed to get the best price for the property. What would be liked by buyers in general have to be understood properly and addressed by undertaking a makeover of the property. How to make your property presentable for sale has been discussed in this post.
Determine the right value
A buyer will to try to keep the value of the property at lower levels. On the contrary you must be keen to get the maximum value from the property. Therefore, knowing the health condition of the property in advance would give more elbow room to negotiate hard with proper reasons. So it is vital for you call your local building inspections company to inspect the property. Engage a building inspector to assess the health of the property. The inspection would also reveal what kinds of improvements are necessary to make it look more attractive and jack up the value of the property. This is a tested method to increase the chances of getting the maximum value for the property.
Upgrade the adjoining areas
Improvement should be done on the total property including the lawns, gardens, driveway and the adjoining open spaces and not for the building only. If the lawn or garden is poorly maintained, no matter how nice the building may look, it would give buyers an opportunity to pull down the price. Clean the surroundings; mow the lawn and keep the garden in good shape so that it adds to the appeal of the building. It is not hard to get a good second hand mower from your local mower shop.
Repair the building
Take note of the building inspection report that would reveal hidden defects and get the necessary repairs done. If the defects are major, like leaking roof or broken windows it has to be repaired thoroughly. Identify the minor defects too and get it rectified through painting or plastering. Paint the building thoroughly, both inside and outside so that it can defy its age and look very attractive.
Consider cosmetic changes that can increase the attraction of the building to buyers.
Make it look spacious
Buyers would like to envisage the total available space to figure out how their belongings would fit in place. Leave open floor spaces as much as possible. Keep the closets well organized and neat. Remove some furniture and other items that seem to occupy extra space. Contact furniture removalists to get a quote. Make the area clutter free so that there is a feeling of openness and free movement that could give an apparent feeling of spaciousness.
Mind the use of colours
Paint the home with neutral colours so that it appeals to all kinds of buyers with varied tastes. The first impression matters a lot. Remember that you have to encourage buyers to hold their interest on the property.